The Lion, The Witch and the Wardobe
This particular production was truly beautiful to direct. I collaborated with British playwright Theresa Heskins to edit the play script to fit the needs of the producers and cast from a league of legends to create this particular interpretation. We were determined to highlight the dramaturgical parallel between the fantastical world of Narnia and the real-world context of World War 2 from which the Pevensie children were escaping. This concept drove all the design elements, and took particular emphasis in the visions for Yvonne Borland’s makeup and Martelle Hunt’s glorious costumes. I also adored working with Rainbow Sweeny through the Set design here; she taught me about the wonder of kabuki drops to create snow sequences and worked cleverly in the ridiculously limited wing space, harnessing our expressionistic aesthetic to create this ‘Narnia’. This link will take you to an article promoting our interpretation of this beautiful script. Mentoring brilliant Theatre Studies student, Anna Muggleton-Richardson, through the process of Dramaturgy for this show was how we created the depth and detail in each aspect of this interpretation. Please see the program for her resulting note.